Therapy Team
Our experienced and well-established Therapy Team are employed directly by Treetops Learning Community. This means that therapy is embedded in the school, and our team are flexible, proactive and responsive to changing needs as and when is necessary. The Therapy Team support with communication needs, emotional well-being and independence, including training staff. The team consists of Speech and Language Therapists (SaLT), an Occupational Therapist (OT), a Thrive Licensed Practitioner (TLP) and Therapy Assistants. The multidisciplinary team work collaboratively with class teams to monitor progress and set targets to ensure that each pupil’s needs are being met holistically, and they are achieving their full potential. The Therapy Team also offer Outreach support to other schools and provisions.
The Therapy Team consider collaborative working with parents as a key part of our role to ensure a consistent approach when supporting pupils. We provide training and guidance and hold regular coffee mornings for parents. Please look out for our upcoming coffee morning dates.
Please see specific therapy areas (SaLT, OT, TLP) for examples of support at each level.